9 January 2012

Difficult allotment crops and getting advice

This time of year I always tell myself to follow as much advice as possible, but invariably I always miss something. So this year, I vow to pay attention!

My areas of difficulty or concern:
  • Carrots - always get carrot fly!
  • Brassicas - never get very good cauliflowers or get club root problems
  • Pumpkins - never grow beyond a tennis ball and plants are too small
  • Sweetcorn - success last year but more fluke I think
  • Celery - love it but ahhhh nothing doing total fail each year, may try this year
  • Fruit trees - planted new ones (Cherry, Pear and Apple) last year so pruning is a mystery!

Good sources of advice:


My patchwork blanket said...

I grow monsters squashes. Biggest last year weighed 7.3kg! I dont water them once they've been watered in for the first week, but the trick I've found that has worked is...dig a bigish hole. Fill with lots of compost/shredded paper/water the hole really well, at least 2 cans of water and let it soak all the way down. Plant plant, then water in from the top. Dont normally bother mulching around them, and then just let them get on with it. Once several sets of leaves are well formed, nip out the growing tip (if I remember) and that's it.

Ben Scoble said...

Awesome advice - will def do that!!!