24 December 2010

Flippin heck it's cold!

Well I am flabberghasted!! It is soooo cold. How cold, well this December could be one of the coldest Decembers since the 1650s. WOW!!

This evening we are expecting a low of minus 14!! So I think come tomorrow morning (Xmas day) I will need to pop down to lotty to say merry xmas and take a few photos of a very cold lotty.

These are exceptional times - not seen since early 1980s!
The weather has been cool all year - with some months coming in at some pretty cool temps:

Month CET Anomaly notes

January = 1.4°C / -2.4°C below average
February = 2.8°C / -1.0°C below average
March = 6.1°C / +0.5°C above average
April = 8.8°C / +0.9°C above average
May = 10.7°C / -0.5°C below average
June = 15.2°C / +1.1°C above average
July = 17.1°C / +1.0°C above average
August = 15.3°C / -0.5°C below average
September = 13.8°C / +0.2°C above average
October = 10.3°C / -0.3°C below average
November = 5.2°C / -1.4°C below average
December = -0.7°C / -5.5°C below average (provisional, to the 22nd)
Above average months = 5
Below average months = 7

1 December 2010

December's Here!!!

Ok - final month of my video series...will post asap (but been busy with redecorating etc..).

Main news is the snow and EXTREME cold - when I say EXTREME I do mean it. How's about -13!!!!

Anyway,  hope my onions will survive this.

Check out the graph:

Hadobs CET - smash that bottom line!!!
[Click to enlarge]

28 November 2010

Coldest November Night Ever!!!

Quick post - not been down lotty for a while due to being away from home...builders in.

Anyway - went down to make video, will post when I get home.

However, we have had snow and the Nov temp overnight was lowest on record for a Nov night.

Amazing stuff - so a very low Nov CET is likely now.

Enjoy the cold!

UPDATE: Nov CET came in at +5.2°C so that is -1.4°C below average.
That's chilly and ranks it in the top 100 coldest Novs of all time!

27 November 2010

Big freeze continues

Early Snow

Frozen Plot

Just Sprouts Left

Plot View

All Clear for 2011

13 November 2010

The great storm of Nov 2010

The big storm we had last week claimed my 2 greenhouses - both are too damaged.

Storm damaged roof

Collapsed greenhouse

Wind damaged roof - now repaired

Poo on fruit

Collapsed greenhouse

Recycled frame for shelves

More poo


Onions in

New arrangement + poo

Will use old frame for growing peas

Old frame for peas

Have more space to grow veggies - bonus I guess!

7 November 2010

PooFest 2010

PooFest is over for a year - put in 12 bags x 60 Litres (720 litres) of well rotted horse manure at a cost of £40.

So all in and will rot down for next year's growing season.

I smell a bit though!

24 October 2010

More clearing and planting leeks

Plot view

Remodelled path

Remodelled path (close up)

Replanted leeks


Cleared plot

Romansco brocolli

20 October 2010

First Good Frost of Autumn

Last night got to freezing with ice on the cars. More to come next week!!

The Guardian: Warning: cold weather ahead (20/10/2010)
"Frosts across the UK and early arrival of holly berries and Bewick swans herald a harsh winter to come".

Guess we wait and see - although Joe Bastardi and many others are expecting a really harsh winter in Europe and Russia.

17 October 2010

October Pictures!

Last of the sweetcorn

Clearing the plot

Gooseberry and blueberry 

Chard - bright lights

Long shot

Only a few left (now eaten)

9 October 2010

End of September Video

OK It's October - so where is the vid?

Sorry - been ill then busy tearing round the country. Monthly video will be uploaded asap. On another note - the weather has been cool to normal but this weekend is set to be a warm one. Although, cold weather will set in from next week. Lot so cold and snow predicted again for this year's winter - wait and see!

Here's some harvest!

Pumpkin / Apple / Marrow / Sweetcorn

28 September 2010

More Re-Modelling

Rebuilding the path through the sweetcorn
Clearing the plot - leaving the sprouts
Oath down to shed

21 September 2010

Remodelling continues

As promised I stained the green waste bin - green! I also cleared some weeds / overgrown bits and continued to work on the plot remodelling. Oh and cut back the raspberries and caged them in bamboo.

New 'green' waste bin

Starting to build a new path

Where greenhouse used to be - now compost bins

Taming of the raspberries

Sweetcorn ripening

New paved areas

End of season shot