18 October 2008

Sorry for not posting

Yes I can see what date it is - but really- nothing has been happening this summer - the weather was terrible (cold and gloomy).

The courgettes didn't grow much and most things bolted. But looks like I might have some decent brussel sprouts!

Here's a pic of the new layout - been building (again)!

17 July 2008

Back from holiday!

Sorry for not posting for a while have been otherwise distracted (sorry lotty). Anways, the weather has been rubbish - prob the worst weather for a decade (IMHO). It has been hovering near late teens but nothing too hot - which is very poor for growing.

The cold plays havoc with my caulis!

Seems the cool / bordering on cold (yes heating has been on a couple of times) - this has caused many plants to bolt - esp. the caulis - they were getting nice round heads, but now they have turned into bolted flower heads.

Bloody slugs and snails

And to add insult to injury - all the snails and slugs are having a rare old time - munch everything in sight!!

Oh well - I must say my peas and broad bean have been a good harvest so far - so not all bad

Will post photos at the weekend - happy days.

27 June 2008

Rainy, humid but nearly there!

Well it's the end of June - but tell the weather that - it's been cool/cold at night - fairly rainy and warm(ish) during the day. Anyway - I have cropped a bolting cauliflower and spinach - also some first strawberries and raspberries - all nearly there - including the peas and beans!

Here are some photos to enjoy:

22 June 2008

What's with the weather?

Summer has not appeared this week - so everything is a bit - well flat. Take today for example, it was only 12 degrees - rubbish - and the overnight temp a pants 8 degrees. Oh well - at least there is a lot of rain. Oh - and it is windy!!! Very windy!!! Will post more photos asap - when something is ready to crop.

16 June 2008

Allotments VS The Olympics

Thought i would post this - very interesting and concerning

Potatoes & Spinach a-go-go!

Have been busy digging up my spuds this weekend - yes I know a bit early - but I wanted some new potatoes and I needed to take the space over for my courgettes. The broad beans are going next - for my pumpkins.

Anyway - the spuds are lovely and extremely tasty. Think I will have to improve the soil a lot more next year as the soil is still quite poor and dry. I do have some main crops, which I am growing in pots in my back yard - much better soil you see.

I also cropped lots of spinach and rocket - I boiled this down to make Aloo Sag - basically fried onion, olive oil, butter and a bit of cheese. Absolutely delicious!!!

Anyway - the weather is cool again - around 18 degress max - but sunny with some rain. The beans and peas are doing well - and the next crop to come through is peas and broad beans - I should get a glut there!!

The salad crops are going well - with the exception of radishes (they have been rubbish this year) - but have had round lettuce and spring onions. Very good!

Will keep you posted with photos very soon - have been very busy lately - but will be posting at least weekly. Laters!

8 June 2008

New Updates

Apologies for the lack of posting - have had a busy time recenty. Anyway - it has been very warm - about 25 degrees, sunny and with some rain. Here are some photos for your viewing pleasure:

29 May 2008

And then the rain came down

Had some really soggy days over the last week - which is a blessing. No more endless watering. Need to post some new picks cos everything is getting nice and green.
Weather last 24 hrs (where has summer gone?)
Max = 13.6 ℃ Min = 9.7℃

23 May 2008

Let's do the rain dance

This is getting silly - no rain for ages - oh well it's not as bad as last year (finger's crossed). Have picked my first crop - a nice batch of Pak Choi - see photo.
Weather last 24 hrs (not bad but not blazin')
Max =
18.3 ℃ Min = 11.4℃

18 May 2008

Pants! But not soggy ones!

Some nice photos to cheer me up.
Weather last 24 hrs (in a word - rubbish - but getting better in the week)
Max = 12.3 ℃ Min = 6.3℃

14 May 2008

Ahh - 5 days off - let's party!

Very good time to have some days off I feel - got planting and now weeding to do. So - i'm down the plot tomorrow - prob about 7 a.m. As for the growing - that's is going on a pace - have got to get my tomatoes in their new home, and have lots of plants to get into the ground - but will I have space? We'll see!! Oh - and can I have some rain? Touch wood - not like last year's complete wash-out though thanks!
Weather last 24 hrs (not so summery - but still good)
Max = 18.6 ℃ Min = 7.6℃

12 May 2008


Well it's been very warm for over a week now - lots of watering!

Weather last 24 hrs (summer stuff)

Max = 25.6 ℃ Min = 12.1℃

9 May 2008

Getting that warm feeling

It seems I am spending lots of time down at the allotment these days - you can catch me there before 8 a.m. doing some well needed watering and last thing at night (for the same reason). That's the problem with fine weather - no rain. But can't complain as this warm weather is excellent for the growing.
Most (if not all) of my plants are growing well and will be good for cropping in about 1 month - can't believe I have squashes in this early. Touch wood - no return to cold weather!
Weather last 24 hrs (that is amazing)
Max = 22.8 ℃ Min = 12.3℃

7 May 2008

April08 Photos

BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.

Warm and crazy

Well - what a difference a day makes. The past 5 days have been great - really warming up. Just checking for today = 22.2℃ very sunny, should get a lot of growth this week.

Oh - got an email from Claire - off of clairesallotment - see YouTube bar - cheers!

Weather last 24 hrs (good lord!)
Max = 21.5 ℃ Min = 12.4℃

5 May 2008

What a top weekend for growing stuff

My trip up to Brum to visit my mate's allotment was successful - got a fantastic one!
Here are some photos of my allotment - well the seedlings bed & the newly designed shed - enjoy

Weather last 24 hrs (yes that is some cool stats!)

Max = 16.9 ℃ Min = 10.6℃

2 May 2008

May day May day!

Sorry - bad - but at least I didn't write - May the 4th be with you (ha! I still might!)
Anyways - I have not written much for a while - guess it's that bit in the year when you wait and see.

Shed update
I have changed the arrangement a bit - moved the door - will post some photos asap. Am off to Birmingham tomorrow to help a mate with his allotment - international allotment man of mystery am I!

24hr Weather report - chances are that temps will hit 20℃ this weekend
Max = 14.2℃ Min = 4.3℃

26 April 2008


Some spring bulbs!
Lovely day today - felt very warm!

Weather last 24hrs
Max = 12.5℃ Min = 7.8℃

25 April 2008

The seeds (of change)

The seeds are growing well in my kitchen -Butternut Squash (front left), Sweetcorn (cardboard tube) and Tomatoes (front right and back).
Weather 24hrs
Max = 14.2℃ Min = 7.5℃

23 April 2008

Quick weather update

Well the spring weather is here - absolutely brill!!! More photos soon. Promise.

Weather last 24 hrs
Max = 16.1 ℃ Min = 7.7 ℃

22 April 2008

Superb Sunny Day

Well haven't been down to the allotment - went for a run instead through the woods. But, the weather has been fantastic - very sunny and warm. Am aiming to get down the allotment tomorrow - will take some photos then - all good!!

Weather 24hrs - sweet!!
Max = 14.0 ℃ Min = 4.0 ℃

21 April 2008

Lovely Day, Lovely Day, Lov....

Wow - what a difference a day makes - must have topped 14℃at some point. Things have definately shot up too. Oh - and the Butternut Squash seeds I took from a shop bought one have germinated. Cool! And - checked the seeds I sowed directly on my plot - Pak Choi and salad leaves are up - nice. Anyways - off to bed too much excitment for one day.

24hr Weather (prior to 9 a.m. today)
Max = 9.1 ℃ Min = 6.0 ℃

20 April 2008

New windows in!

Spent most of the weekend partying - not good for the head, but made it down this afternoon for some DIY. I removed the partition wall between the shed and the propogator - so you can walk in from the shed end. The effect is that it is a bit cramped - but it is at least somewhere to escape when it rains hard. On the plus side - it is still a functional seed 'forcing' house - esp. useful in this pants weather we are having - but word on the street is that 18 by Wed - so fingers crossed. Oh - end the windows are small square ones - changes the aesthetics a bit but still looks cool! Also - as the entrance is through the shed - in front of the glass can now be used for planters and tubs.

Last 24hrs weather
Max = 7.9
Min = 5.6 ℃

18 April 2008

Windows galore

Having found 1 big piece of glass yesterday - came home to find my sis had asked the builders down the road for the spare windows there. So - now have lots of glass! Excellent!
What I will prob do - is use the bit I found yesterday for the roof - and the wooden framed ones as a replacement set for the 'hole' left by the old broken pane.
All in all - a busy day tomorrow. Oh, and the other pieces of glass - I have put on my raised bed - as a cold frame.

Weather report - last 24 hrs
Max = 8.9 Degrees Celsius Min = 2.9 Degrees Celsius
Chances are - getting warmer by Tues of next week = 22nd Apr

17 April 2008

Got a new window

Excellent, found a really nice big bit of double glazing in a skip today!! Has a hairline crack in it - but hey - it's free!!! So got to finish fitting it at the weekend - and my propogater is back 'n' running - extra hot now!
Weather data - last 24hrs
Still flippin cold!!
Max = 8.5 Degrees Celsius Min = 1.8 Degrees Celsius
Oh my flower seeds and tomato seeds have all germinated!

14 April 2008

Hiatus is nearly over

Was getting a bit bored of not seeing much green on my allotment - but the weather is def. getting warmer - so let's get excited as the seeds turn into plants - then get into the ground. I say 2 weeks at a min!
Weather watch - last 24hrs
Max = 10.2 Degrees Celsius Min = 3.5 Degrees Celsius

13 April 2008

Crisis - what crisis?

Oh dear - seems the rot set in on one of my window frames - the result of which is that it dropped - splitting the glass!! Nevermind - it gives me the excuse to get my tools out and redesign the propogater part of the shed. My thoughts are to create a side entrance and therefore have a sit in area - if it gets rainy - so everyone's a winner!
Weather stats for the last 24hrs (getting warmer)
Max = 10 Degrees Celcius Min = 3.2 Degrees Celcius

12 April 2008

All hail - spring?!

Damn weather - still not very warm - or likely to be until after wednesday (17th). The showers are brief, with hail (big too) but the sun is strong. Have sown some more flower seeds and done a bit of thinning of veg seedlings that are getting nice and big - but there is not much going on just yet - oh well can't have everything.

Oh the pic! - it's not mine - it's for effect!

Weather synopsis - last 24hrs

Max = 8.3 Degrees Celcius Min = 2.1 Degrees Celcius

11 April 2008

Taking the Pea(s) - outside

The 2 varieties of peas I had sown (2 weeks ago - exactly) on my window sill have been planted out. They are protected by cardboard tubes at the moment, overnight, just to help them harden-off. I'm pretty impressed by their growth and should expect some quality produce in about 4-6 weeks. Just to remind you - they were; Ne PLus Ultra (200 year old variety - left) and Purple Podded (right).

Spring Weather Report

Just an update on the weather - it is a bit below-par on the weather front. It is a bit cooler but normally wet for this time of year. All in all - things are a bit slow on the growing front - but a few warm days will help things catch up.

Max air temp (last 24 hrs) = 8.3 Degrees C

Min air temp (last 24 hrs) = 3.4 Degrees C

10 April 2008

'The' Butternut Squash Experiment

Here's a thing - when you buy fruit and veg, have you thought about saving the seeds? Well I am always keen to save a bit of cash and do some experimenting - and as I was removing the seeds from a Butternut Squash last night, I saved some.

So today - I will sow them and see if it is succesfull - if so, I will collect other weird and wonderful 'extraneous' seeds.

9 April 2008

New lights @ night

(Some) Light relief in my yard

Have got some funky solar powered lights (£15) - these don't need wires or owt!! Will post a photo of them later when it gets dark - ooooh exciting!

Peas & Beans in my yard

Am off ill at the moment with an infection - so a light job was to construct a pea frame (see photo). The peas that have been growing on my window sill for 10 days are about 15cm high - so they have gone outside. As it is a bit cold, I have put cardboard tubes round them for some protection (hope it works). In addition, have planted some runner bean seeds - which I hope will take over as the peas die back. Also, I am hoping to use the same 2 pots for some tomato plants, later in the summer -using the canes/frames for the trusses - let's see if this works.

8 April 2008

Tomatoes + Yard

Jojo looking at the 'toms' in the kitchen - weirdo!
Have created some space outside (pots) to grow my peas + garlic I have growing in the window of my living room - they have all shot up (10cm) in just 12 days.
Tomatoes are on my window sill - have sown the following:
  • Cherry
  • Golden Pear
  • Marmande
  • Tigerella

6 April 2008

The Great Garlic Experiment

Please see previous entry!!

Return of the 'king - snow!!

Great - was busy getting excited about spring then the snow returned.

Nevermind, it was expected - but the sun is very strong and it feels warm.

Have go the following sown this week:

  • Pak Choi
  • Spicy Salad Leaves
  • Asparagus Peas
  • Broccoli + Purple Sprouting
  • Sweetcorn
  • Spinach
  • Radish

2 April 2008

Oh Happy day!!

I always like to pop by my allotment on the way back from work - this day was not different. But wait - what's this - yes - all my seeds have sprouted - top notch!!

Garlic from the fridge
I did an experiment with some garlic bulbs I had in the fridge. I split the big bulb and planted the pieces in some compost/yog pots on the window sill of the kitchen (last friday - 29th March). Well they are only growing very well and - not only that - the have rooted all the way to the bottom and the roots are popping out the bottom drainage holes - that's well fast!!!

1 April 2008

This ain't no April fool's joke!

It turns out that I have a small Wren (bird) nesting in one of my hanging baskets. Seems it likes that moss that I have put around the top, so has made a nice hole and created a hollow.Thing is:
  1. do I move it (it is right next to my shed door), and
  2. do I continue to water my basket - soggy chicks!
Oh the dilemma!

31 March 2008

The Nov 07 Seeds

These are the seeds I had sown in Nov 07 - they are doing ok!
Photos taken: 23/03/08
Top Left = Lettuce - OKish
Top Right = Cauliflowers - better
Bottom Left = Rocket - fine as!
Bottom Right = Rhubarb - ok not seeds but looking good!

Some Update Photos!

Seeds are on the move!

Photo taken: 23/03/08
The pots (right) are the sprouts - they are coming along very nicely.

The large seed tray are some spare - cabbages and leeks - have loads already - but you never know what you will need to replace

As for the rest - not much movement, just a mixture of flowers and various veg - not beans or peas, as made the mistake of sowing them in here and mice got in!

28 March 2008

Soggy Spring - but there is a sign of life!

Rainy daze!!!

Just popped down to the allotment to do some watering (shed). Tooks some photos to show you what's going on right now. But all in all - not bad, as there are signs that things are sprouting - broad beans, peas, cabbages, leeks, sprouts, rhubarb and [not to forget] the buds on the fruit trees!!!

Will post some update photos later - stay tuned.

27 March 2008

The seeds have landed

*An emailed in update*
I have received my Ne Plus Ultra and Purple Podded pea seeds! Hooray!

Aerial view of allotment (urban field)

Let's get this party started!

Ok - Easter is over, we have had a full moon and the vernal equinox has passed - time to think about late spring and early summer.

Sowing the seeds (of love)
I started sowing the first seeds way back in Nov 2007, I wanted to see if I could grow some plants in my new propogator -shed construction - I tried the following:
  • Cauliflowers: these grew and are now planted out

  • Spring onions: these grew, have been transplanted to bigger pots and are hardening off outside

  • Lettuce: now these grew and I needed space in the 'shed' so 'dumped' them outside to 'do or die' - they are amazingly still alive - even after very very frosty nights

  • Rocket: this [again] needed to be let loose from the shed [space reasons] - but these have done the best - absolutely thrived in the cold weather - including snow!!!!

Will post pictures of all these later - bet you can't wait!!!

Sowing seeds - since Feb 2008

This has been a fun moment - since having the 'shed', I can now start everything off as early as possible. Yes I am taking risks, but I'm that kinda guy!! If it doesn't work - what the heck!! Will post a list of these seeds and updates later.

  • Potatoes - these went in on the 23rd March after being 'eyed-up' since Feb. They are the 'Swift' variety - so let's see what happens there!!!
  • Jerusalem Artichoke - never grown these before - planted them around the 18th March - you eat the tubers and it is an edible sunflower - the flowers are a lovely yellow!.
  • Pea & Broad Beans - originally sown in late-feb in the 'shed' but the flippin mice got them, so had to re-sow them - b*stards!! Nevermind - have replaced them with an RHS gold standard variety and some peas - inspired by the 'Victorian Kitchen Garden'!!

'The Victorian Kitchen Garden' DooVD

I have this amazing series from 1987 on DVD - biggup Peter Thoday (image) and Harry Dodson (RIP 2005)!! They talk about some 200 year old varieties of peas. I have been trawling the internet and found a website http://www.mammothonion.co.uk/ that were selling the very same 'Ne Plus Ultra' variety of pea and a 'Purple Podded' variety they talk about [see image above] - so all's good and I bought some.

Into Apri we go!!

The next coming month should be a fun time - so will keep posting the results - and failures. But it's all an experiment of sorts.