26 March 2011

New plot photos

Bottom plot

Cold but happy

Early Spring

New shed

Lots of woodwork

Getting the bean canes ready

New greenhouse

Broad beans in

Getting plot ready

20 March 2011

Building and path making

New kitchen waste bins

New patio area

Brick patio area

Brick path

Brick path 2

Green waste bin (not stained yet)

15 March 2011

New plot - new activity

Have been down lotty to plant my onions and broad beans (under cloches).

Will post some photos asap.

Will head back tonight and do some more work - perhaps strawberries and some more tidying up.

I'm enjoying the size of this plot - much easier to move about and the soil is superb!

13 March 2011

Compare the results!

Old Plot - with shed
Old Plot - without shed

Monu-mental lotty shifting session

I spent all weekend dismantling my shed and moving my old plot across to the new.

Sat = up at 6 a.m. and worked till 7 p.m.
Sun = got up at 6.a.m. and worked till 9 a.m. then from midday to 7 p.m.

Managed to get the majority of the work done:
  • Must have moved at least 300 bricks (if not more)
  • Move loads of wood
  • Moved and replanted all flowers
  • Moved and replanted all veg
New 'Chive walk'
Nearly clearly everything

Old shed - good wood saved

Old wood ready to make compost bays

Close up of  'Chive walk'

Look no shed!

Some dry wood left for burning and old compost heap

10 March 2011

Optimum germination and growing temps for veg

Blue = cold temps for growing
Green = optimum temp for germination indoors or growing outdoors
Red = optimum for outdoor germination and growing

Practically speaking - for optimum growth:

Jan to End of Feb = Sow all plants indoors with heat / Some harvesting of last year's crops
Mar to End of May = Sow hardy plants indoors without heat / Harden off hardy plants outdoors with protection
Jun to End of July = Sow tender plants indoors without heat / Plant out hardy plants without protection / Early harvesting
Aug to End of Sept = All plants mature outdoors / Start major harvesting

Oct to Dec = Last bit of harvesting

Useful links:

Selected quotes from above links:


Proper temperatures for germination range from as low as 60 degrees F [15°C] for cabbage and head lettuce up to as high as 90 or 95 degrees F [32°C] for eggplant, squash and melons. Several vegetables germinate best at a more moderate 70 to 80 degrees F [26°C], including cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage, along with tomatoes and peppers.

Cool-Season Vegetables

Hardy cool-season vegetables -- such as onions, lettuce and peas -- grow in daytime temperatures as low as 40 degrees F [5°C], according to Colorado State University. Slightly less hardy cool-season crops -- including beets, carrots and potatoes -- grow in similar temperatures but do not tolerate freezing nighttime temperatures that typically accompany such low daytime temperatures.

Warm-Season Vegetables
Warm-season vegetables survive and grow well only when temperatures remain above at least 60 degrees F during the day. Higher temperatures between 70 and 95 degrees F [32°C] ensure optimum growth of these vegetables. The tenderest of the warm-season vegetables -- such as cantaloupe, tomato, watermelon and pepper -- show stunted growth if temperatures fall below 55 degree F [15°C] at any time during the day and may experience negative effects from even cool spring breezes.

As an interesting observation - my greenhouse got up to 30 °C today, even though outside it was 14 °C. However, overnight it got as low as 6°C. So it goes to show that most seedlings will germinate in a greenhouse but without heat the most tender, like tomatoes and squashes, will probably suffer.

9 March 2011

Congratulations!!! You have won an upgrade!

Excellent news - I have a new and bigger allotment plot!

The new plot is across from mine and the soil is amazing. There is a greenhouse and a really good shed. I will now need a few days moving some of my plants across - oh and dismantle my old shed (I need it for my new  composting bins). Happy days.
My New Shed

Inside my shed - silver padding and thermal walls

Little window

Finally a greenhouse

Large empty plots

Logan berry bushes

Mature fruit and an apple tree

Long and big plot

My new gate and hedge entrance!

6 March 2011

New March Vid (old phone used)

Lost camera but possible good news...oh and spring is here!

Have lost my digital camera (yes the new expensive one)..so am back to using my old phone (not too bad) for the photos and video.

Anyway - spring is here and have planted the broad beans. In addition, have had a big tidy up, taking loads of rubbish to the local tip.

Interesting news! I may be getting a bigger plot. This is due to the allotment leaders wanting to get rid of half plots (like mine) and as there have been a few people leaving the site, there is a chance that I may get one of these. I hope it is the one with the good shed and the greenhouse. Anyway, will post any news, but for now enjoy the photos...

Tidy shed

Wicker style pea frame

Plot ready for spring

New shoots on fruit bushes

1st sign of spring - chive walk!

Broad beans in

New water collection system