16 January 2012

Vegetable Seed Germination

Getting germination right is a good goal for any allotmenteer, as sowing too early can mean wasted effort.

I have tried to collect as much info as I can about what you can sow at different temps. The weather can be fickle, but typically if you look at the average charts for Central England you see a pattern (see black line):


Obviously, sowing under glass can give you a month head start!

Resources (will update on occasion):

  1. http://www.heirloomseeds.com/germination.html
  2. http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/mg/vegetable/temperature.html
  3. Soil Temperature Conditions for Vegetable Soil Conditions [PDF]
  4. http://www.omniseedsearch.com/homevegetablegardening/images/ch8-6.jpg
  5. Germination colour chart [PDF]

Source: http://www.omniseedsearch.com/homevegetablegardening/images/ch8-6.jpg

35°C = 2°C = e.g. Lettuce, Onion, Parsnip, Spinach
40°C = 4.5°C = e.g. Beetroot, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Chard, Pea, Radish, Turnip
45°C = 7°C = e.g.
50°F = 10°C = e.g. Sweetcorn, Tomato
55°F = 13°C = e.g.
60°F = 15.5°C = e.g. Bean, Cucumber, Pepper, Pumpkin, Squash
65°F = 18°C = e.g.
70°C = 21°C = e.g.
75°C = 24°C = e.g.


Rooko said...

Brussel Sprouts definitely way out, Sowed some last week, there in my cold greenhouse germinating now, not been watered either. Temperatures have been below freezing to approx 10c. Just posted the piccys on my blog.

Ben Scoble said...

According to the colour charts I have a link to Sprouts will germinate in 4 days at 21C / 70F!