5 May 2012

Cool May and overnight frosts return

Well April was the wettest April on record (since 1755) and it was also cooler than average. This wet and cool weather seems to want to continue into May and overnight we will see sub zero temps with an air frost.

I like a bit of long range forecasting and 'analogues' to weather patterns. So, I would hazard a guess at this year being on a par with 2000. If this comes true then this summer will be changeable with cool and wet periods. However, June 2000 was warm and summery (good for 2012 Olympics and Euros).

Cropped some lettuce today, sowed beans and did a bit of weeding around the Parnsips.

Here are some photos:

Slowly greening plot

Lettuce and strawberries

Salad crops

Purple peas

Cabbage bed


Rhubarb and herbs

Fennel and artichoke

Broads, Peas and Onions

First Clematis flower

Raspberry and Berlotti beans

Parsnip and Carrot Bed

Broad Beans

Chives and Lupins

Ornamental plot

New design still looking good

Neat bottom plot greening up


Beverley Sallis said...

It's all looking so neat and tidy - and beautiful. Hope the frost doesn't get anything delicate!

Margaret said...

Your plot is looking really lovely, Ben

Jean said...

Been busy then Ben.. all coming along nicely hope Jack Frost doesn't throw a wobbly round your patch.. guess you have fleece to cover the most delicate.

Rooko said...

Very nice pictures again Ben, it's all looking good. I especially like the "peas in the corner" picture. It's very cold here, been down the plot this afternoon, still clearing up after the floods, so hope there's no frost anywhere?

Ben Scoble said...

Cheers everyone for comments, seems we have managed to get only an air frost last night (not as bad).

The 'peas in the corner' we created after they sprouted. Moved the sprouting peas so am surprised they are doing so well (Purple peas).

Really would like some warmth now, bored of this cold damp stuff.