23 December 2015

Jungle garden transformation in progress

Went plant hunting crazy and also made space for my new mini allotment.

15 December 2015

VegetableBen: the Stockport years

Exciting times but also sad. Have moved house so no more allotment for me but big news is I have a nice new small garden to spend hours in. I will create a jungle and have started the hard landscaping. I moved loads of my plants from the old house and allotment so I have a good start!!

16 July 2015

Volcanic rock dust pays off

Well I'm impressed - grown awesome Cauliflower, Broccoli and Peppers

7 June 2015

June and it's finally got warm and sunny

Been a very slow start to Spring / Summer...but it's finally here! So I've spent day tidying up the allotment!