- Oregano
- Basil (Thai, Sweet, Purple and Genevieve)
- Sweetcorn (Incredible and Sweet Bounty)
- Chive
- Sprouts
- Flowers (Sweet Pea, Calendula, Sunflower, Poppy and Blue Mist)
Planted out some extra Broads I had (filling in the gaps), potted on the leeks, planted out replacement onion sets (all red onions died).
Hot hot greenhouse |
Sprouting Broccoli |
Sprouting Broccoli |
Cabbage Hispi |
Lettuce in greenhouse |
Lettuce in greenhouse |
Peas Kelvedon Wonder |
Sweetcorn with anti-mouse protection (punnets) |
Warm spring day |
Potted on Leeks |
Spring Daffodils |
Japanese Spinach |
Outdoor Lettuce - sown more on right |
Budding fruit tree |
Herb border |
Planted spare onion sets |
Celery finally up |
Spinach and Cabbages |
24 degrees in cool greenhouse |
Fruit bushes in leaf |
Clematis growing well |
Apple tree budding |
Broad beans |
Plot greening up |
Onions |
Chive walk and Lupins |
Artichoke |