24 March 2012

Super Spring

Amazing day on allotment today - been very sunny and warm. Did lots of sowing:

  • Oregano
  • Basil (Thai, Sweet, Purple and Genevieve)
  • Sweetcorn (Incredible and Sweet Bounty)
  • Chive
  • Sprouts
  • Flowers (Sweet Pea, Calendula, Sunflower, Poppy and Blue Mist)
Planted out some extra Broads I had (filling in the gaps), potted on the leeks, planted out replacement onion sets (all red onions died). 

Hot hot greenhouse

Sprouting Broccoli

Sprouting Broccoli

Cabbage Hispi

Lettuce in greenhouse

Lettuce in greenhouse

Peas Kelvedon Wonder

Sweetcorn with anti-mouse protection (punnets)

Warm spring day

Potted on Leeks

Spring Daffodils

Japanese Spinach

Outdoor Lettuce - sown more on right

Budding fruit tree

Herb border

Planted spare onion sets

Celery finally up

Spinach and Cabbages

24 degrees in cool greenhouse

Fruit bushes in leaf

Clematis growing well

Apple tree budding

Broad beans

Plot greening up


Chive walk and Lupins


17 March 2012

Herbtastic Spring Day

Been sowing lots today on a warm Spring day (greenhouse above 20°C):

  • Purple Mange Tout
  • Purple Podded Peas
  • Mange Tout
  • Dill
  • Fennel
  • Sage
  • Tarragon
  • Parsley
  • Rocket
  • Carrots
  • Early spuds are in (Maris Bard)
  • Dug trench for main potato crop
Planted out my Spring Onions too.

Purple Pea Towers

Mange Tout Fence

Spring Onions in

Early potatoes (right with Radish catch crop) trench for main 

Rhubarb up

Greener lotty

Current bushes budding

11 March 2012

March madness

Been a top warm and spring-like day today. Got down to the allotment early to do lots of sowing. Unfortunately, had to re-sow (for the 3rd time) the broad beans. Seems I have a mouse that really really really likes broad beans. This time I have covered them with plastic and with the peas they are under glass. Can't wait till they invent a portable force field!.

Last of the broads sown under plastic punnets

Peas (Kelvedon Wonder) under glass

On the theme of over protection, I put fleece on my cages ready for the brassicas. I planted out some cauliflowers I had over wintering in the greenhouse - they are in a small polytunnel and under netting!

Cauliflowers planted out under plastic AND netting
Fleece cages for cabbages

Netted area for Carrots and polytunnel for Parsnips (sow later)

For a bit on an experiment I planted out my overwintering peas - it will be a warm week so I hope they do OK and get established and not get attacked by birds!? Also planted out the garlic. Oh and the broad beans (Bunyard's Exhibition) I planted back in Oct/Nov are doing great!

Feltham First Peas 

Garlic outside
2/3rd of broad bean survived the winter

The lettuce outside and in my greenhouse is doing well - and my radishes have sprouted outside.

Lettuce outside

Radishes up
Greenhouse lettuce

Other jobs done included sowing spring earlies like cabbage and peas - here are some photos!

Outdoor Girl & Beef Tomatoes sown

Japanese spinach up

10am in greenhouse

Spring onions, leeks and onion sets now outisde

Connected greenhouse roof to water collection system

Chives all growing well

Herb border springing back to life

Red current bush buds