Right - 5th year of allotmenteering and another annual show.
I am going to enter my vegetables (that sounds wrong) - here's the list of classes:
- 6 Dwarf Beans [Class 4]
- 6 Runner Beans [Class 6]
- 2 Beetroots with 3 inch tops [Class 9]
- 1 Cucumber [Class 14]
- 1 Marrow [Class 15]
- 2 Courgettes [Class 17]
- Longest Runner Bean [Class 23]
- Largest Vegetable exc. Marrow [Class 26]
- Unusual Vegetable [Class 26]
- Sweet Pea Flowers 6 to 12 Stems [Class 28]
- Disaster Class [Class 46]
Wish me luck!!
Will post photos, results and vegetable lists later....