24 August 2011

Pyromania: Burn Baby Burn!

Day off so did some burning of the raspberry canes.


Flame on

20 August 2011


Show tent

2nd Place for my beans

Not placed for my toms - boo!

Winner!! Courgette!

3rd place for my Banana Squash

Winner for my Beetroot!

No place for my sweet peas in a jam jar

Kate's cakes

Kate's sunflower lion

Some more photos of the plot:
Butternut squash going wild



French beans


Squash patch

Clearing ground - where beetroot were


Hacking back the raspberries

A rather 1970s photo of my flowers
 Last but not least:
Best shield cup ever! the 'Ron Vickers Shield for Heaviest Dressed Onion'

It's show time!!!

Right - 5th year of allotmenteering and another annual show.

I am going to enter my vegetables (that sounds wrong) - here's the list of classes:

  1. 6 Dwarf Beans [Class 4]
  2. 6 Runner Beans [Class 6]
  3. 2 Beetroots with 3 inch tops [Class 9]
  4. 1 Cucumber [Class 14]
  5. 1 Marrow [Class 15]
  6. 2 Courgettes [Class 17]
  7. Longest Runner Bean [Class 23]
  8. Largest Vegetable exc. Marrow [Class 26]
  9. Unusual Vegetable [Class 26]
  10. Sweet Pea Flowers 6 to 12 Stems [Class 28]
  11. Disaster Class [Class 46]
Wish me luck!!

Will post photos, results and vegetable lists later....

7 August 2011

Harvesting time

Banana Squash



Globe Artichoke

Sweet Peas

Bit overgrown

Plot shot

White Alyssum


Can't remember

More sweet peas

Butternut Squash


Butternut squash

Butternut squash

Courgettes and squashes